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With the current game at around 70% completion, it’s that most exciting time again, everyone! The grand poll to decide the next game :D

As usual, I have several intriguing options, all of which will probably become games at some point. I’ve provided a short summary alongside each one. All four will likely have open-world elements and a main hub to explore.

Personally, I like the first option the most, but it’s thanks to you guys supporting me that I have time to do this, so you guys can choose whichever game you think you’d like to play most :)

Ninja Wars:

Inspired by Naruto, this game takes place in a fantasy setting ruled by ninjas, shinobis, and their lackeys. Brandon and Cissy start their training in the local village, but they separate as one of them is tempted to join an evil faction! Each of them will have their own misadventures (the player will take turns playing as both), learning from different masters and constantly coming into contact as the player decides which faction is eventually victorious.

Tone: playful

Cybertickles 2077:

Inspired by Cyberpunk, this game takes place in a high-tech, dark, corrupt city, where Brandon and Cissy plan on carrying out a series of audacious heists with the help of their loyal crew. They get the attention of ‘Omnicorp’, a group with some fiendish ideas for how to improve office productivity and interrogate prisoners, and the twins quickly attain power and influence within the company.

Tone: a little dark


Inspired by the Yakuza series (particularly Like a Dragon), this game takes place in a modern setting and explores Brandon and Cissy’s joining organised crime, with their own specialised brand of ensuring compliance among locals, negotiating with police and other groups, and interrogating suspicious individuals.

Tone: part serious, part tongue in cheek

League of Legends 3:

A continuation of the previous LoL/LoR game, this one would feature gamer girl Gigi as well as the other LoL champions that have yet to be tickled, such as Gwen, Seraphine, Tristana, Lulu, Soraka, Kalista, Illaoi, Lissandra, Senna, Rell, Taliyah, Qiyana, and more.

Tone: very light


In other news, progress is a little slow for the game right now. I'm working hard on the Coruscant main questline, but I'll be honest, it's been quite difficult, haha. I'm working on a murder mystery subplot straight out of Ace Attorney, and it's been a little slow working out exactly how all the pieces work together. I've made good progress today, but I think it'll be a few more days before I can get the next snippet out. Apologies for the delay!


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