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As Episode 12 nears its end (just the finale to go!), I've started thinking about the next episode :D

After a fair amount of research and fiddling with my character generator, I've decided on a Hogwarts with monsters type thing. Brandon and Cissy, mischievous students, will learn about the mysteries of the arcane while tickling a fair few of their classmates and the staff at the school ;)

I've never done a story in a school context before, and I have aspirations to make it a bit like Persona, with social links and all that, but let's see how it goes first. Expect a large cast of lees (class of at least 15 colourful types) and the usual ticklish hijinks.

I also considered a Cyberpunk thing and a sci-fi thing, but it really came down to resources. I really have a real lack of stuff in my character generator for sci-fi clothes/gadgets, and it felt very limiting. I might go back towards that direction in the future if I can find more resources, though. 

What do you guys think?

Oh, and release date info: Episode 12 will definitely be out in April! Hopefully early, but maybe mid. I hope to get the full Beta out before next week. Thanks again for all the patience and support as ever :D 



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