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Hello, you know I don't like to go a week without posting something here, so I thought I'd just give all you guys a little update on how things are going.

This episode isn't really progressing as quickly as I would like, and it's looking likely that the release date for it will be around early/mid January. Of course, I'll be continuing to release monthly 'here's what it looks like now' mini-releases. People at the $10 tier will get it at the start of the month, while people at the $15+ tier will get my more recent scenes every week.

I'm currently on my 11th extended tickle scene (12 lees tickled out of a planned 19) and nearing the end of Act 2. Still need to do more testing before it's ready for the general population, but it's a fun double tickle scene starring Cissy and cheeky nail technician Nellie ;)

I've also contacted an artist for the coming episode, and I'm gonna give Rali-Arts a shot. Afraid I don't have a sketch to share right now, unfortunately.

In other news, I've already started thinking about Episode 12 because creativity doesn't really care about linearity or schedules. It's gonna be a fun little survival horror set in a fantasy setting, where the twins are thrust in a diabolical world of tickle torture where even trees and nature conspire to tickle the hell out of you...  

Brandon and Cissy need to use their wits and ingenuity to defeat their foes, because straight-up engagement is simply not going to be an option.  

There will be around 4 zones to explore and bosses to defeat in each one, and the player can choose which order to explore them. In each zone, there will be defeated 'adventurers', who came to this land in a glorious crusade which didn't go that well for them. Teased, tickled, and milked, you'll have to save (if you want...) some of them in order to challenge the evil tickle demons that rule each zone. 

Tickling-wise, I plan on making this one much more mixed in terms of /M and /F content (I know the current episode is quite focused on the latter), though as ever, I'll try not to make it 'in your face' if you're not into /M stuff. 

I also thought it would be quite fun if the defeated 'adventurers' were cameos from famous video games/anime/films/etc. So you'll see an expy of Rey from Star Wars, Yennefer from Witcher, Chun Li, LoL characters, and all that. Most will just be there for minor background tickles (think about the Overlord Brandon and Cissy's castle at the end of the game), but it'll be fun to see if you can spot your favourites. 

I'll probably set up an official poll for this when we get closer to it, but if you have any characters you'd like to see (male or female), please feel free to list them below, and I promise to consider them. The only criteria is that they fit in a fantasy world and be makeable in my character generator (so for Rey, I just changed her lightsaber for a sword and it was fine). 

Anyway, I think that's all for now, so please do let me know if you have any questions. I try to be as upfront and communicative as possible, so do tell me if there's more you want to know. Oh, and I'll have an update coming for the $10+ tier in a few days :) 

Thank you again one and all for your continued support of this humble writer and game designer in these trying times. I super appreciate it <3


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