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Hello, everyone!

I’d just like to post something every seven days or so, and with the planned release of the Skyrim game for Friday, I thought now would would be a good time to talk about future plans! I knew I wanted to work with my old friend Quillsman for the next game, and I had a look at his game outlines. He had recently released one called ‘Conqueror’, which was based on Overlord, a game I really enjoyed back in the day. However, the fairly standard fantasy setting was a bit... Well, it’s pretty well-trodden ground for me, especially since I just did a Skyrim one. It reminded me a fair bit of Dungeon Tickler as well, which was another collaboration project we did together.

I gave it some consideration and then thought about Fayang Tournament, which is another game outline from Quillsman. He actually wrote three! https://www.deviantart.com/quillsman/gallery/77717938/video-game-concepts-with-tickling 

Previously, I had rejected it due to RPGMaker being a bit ill-suited for fighting games, but I had learned how to do some new things in the Skyrim one, so I decided to give it a try! Progress has been smooth, though I did need to recalibrate some things regarding scale and the number of fighters. The tone is quite light and playful, and it’s nice to have fun with the writing. I indulged myself in quite a fair bit of brackets humour (bit self-explanatory) in it, and it’s nice to have a story that doesn’t take itself too seriously. I’ve been toiling away on this one for a bit already, actually, so I’ll have a substantial bit to show you in the next weekly update. Stay tuned!

 Feel free to ask any questions! The game will be all /F and mostly about tickle battles, naturally (low on bondage). I’ll give more info on it next week when you can all take a look and play it. Be well, my friends. Thank you one and all again for your continued loyalty and support.



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