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  • pythonw 2022-05-21 01-07-42-82.webm
  • pythonw 2022-05-21 01-06-21-65.webm
  • pythonw 2022-05-21 01-07-00-30.webm



I finally made the gift system works. It works for what I need to, the problem is really the presentation. I wanted to do something uniform, you may recall how gems react to their clothing being changed by staying on the screen, right? Well, now it passes to a new screen for them to comment on how they liked the gift.

It's a very small detail, but man, this is killing me. I'll leave it like this for now, since it is functional and easy to work with.

Worst-case scenario, I make the clothes change look like the new system as well, since, as I said, it's easier to work with, but I may subject it to a new poll next week.

For now, what do you think(check the attachments)? The items are placeholders, read the description since I tried to adjust them to the real deal, but I don't have the pics for it.

As you may notice, each gem reacts differently to some items. Also, you have a stats screen that tells you exactly how many points you got, how many points you have after that, and the current level (to see if they leveled up).

Items range from 0 to 3 points, as stated last week. Still figuring out the economy, though, I'll probably up the prices, since you could break the game pretty easily, and the idea is to make progress progressively easy, not break it at the start.

Hope you like how it is working so far!



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