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  • pythonw 2021-11-12 14-54-34-94.webm
  • pythonw 2021-11-14 02-41-30-74.webm
  • pythonw 2021-11-19 01-18-13-59.webm



So, you probably noticed, but what we are doing with devlogs is: We post for White Caste supporters, and then we re-post a week later for the rest of the supporters, what do you think about that? Of course, we don't just want to reuse content posted before, that's boring, what I aim to do is add something else to make it worthwhile, for you and the white caste supporters who already saw this content before. Hope you are ok with this!

So, back to the content itself, Yeah, Barb is around town, lol. She is one of the NPCs that will be involved with quests this update. I want to involve all the other MIILFs, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. She is quite a cool character, though.

As for the new UI, it's mostly for the talk menu that we wanted to change, the previous clouds occupied too much space on the screen, now we can add more things if we want to and it will look as good, plus all characters basically share the menu, so it's less convoluted than it used to.

In addition, we added something I wanted for some time now, text whenever changing clothes. Gives a little more personality to a simple action. Characters may refuse, for example, if you are not on good terms yet, or they may comment they like what they are wearing. As always, these changes affect the overworld, since they are kind of permanent. That means they could walk around naked.

Last but not least, Garnet's glasses are not removable, they work similar to other accessories, but we need to slightly update old scenes to include this change, nothing that big, and we are mostly done with the art for this update, so adding these little details don't take too much from the schedule.

That's all for now, guys!



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