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  • pythonw 2021-10-27 18-34-52-93.webm
  • pythonw 2021-10-27 18-43-46-02.webm
  • pythonw 2021-10-27 17-55-16-61.webm



As mentioned before, we are adding things we need so the story can move forward and so you can explore more of this world. We have various ways of movement planned, but we are going to use the warp pad a lot, for obvious reasons, and I really enjoy expanding it, because this world has so many different places you can actually explore.

One of those places is obviously the Kindergarten.

But the other one is the desert, barely mentioned, and where you met a pretty neat someone: Lion.

For those in different support tiers, they should know why these are somewhat important, though, but I hope you enjoy just exploration on itself. We want to add all sorts of references and easter eggs as well, so you feel rewarded just by exploring!



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