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  • pythonw 2021-10-08 19-01-32-88.webm
  • pythonw 2021-10-08 19-02-15-24.webm



​So one of the things we want to add to the game is a lot of fluff so  it looks impactful. One of those things is, for PC users as far as I'm  aware, are signs popping out if you can interact with some objects for  the sake of clarity. It used to be static, but we made it so you can  move your mouse and the signs will follow. For phone users, it should  work if you keep the button pressed.

We also added them to the map and also added some animations, which  still need some work on the code, but look pretty cool, in my opinion.  We are not putting that much effort into these, since it's stuff we are  going to be updating each update, but I like that the game looks nice!

Just small stuff to polish the game even further. Hope you guys like it!
