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So! We finally are done with Garnet's scene, meaning that there are only 2 scenes to fully complete, one of them halfway done.

Garnet's scene is one of my favorite scenes so far! As I mentioned, the animation ElFatGato is doing is smoother and smoother with each new scene, even if it means more coding for me, the final result is more than worth it. With the variation we plan to have already, such as outfit changes, this scene is pretty neat.

As you may remember, the Chill Girl won the poll for a new scene last time. And we are trying to figure out how it will go. We originally didn't plan to have much content for the OCs, but it's fun figuring out how their scenes will play, contrary to the rest of the cast that we already figured out. Judging by the sketch, what do you think will happen?

We showed it in a previous post, but we are adding a movie cinema to beach city. Technically it appeared in the show once, but it is nowhere to be seen on the official show's map. Well, one of the features is that the movie poster will change every day, and we are working on those too. It's all about the small things.

And speaking of which. We want the nudes you get on your phone to be somewhat significant. The circumstances you will get them will depend on each character, it sure won't be just basic leveling up, and it's something I'm excited about myself.

Hope you like this somewhat extensive post. Feel free to comment. Also, remember to participate in the poll!



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