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Inadvertently, the Maheswaran update is also shaping to be the green dorito update, since her scenes are coming in this update! Not only one, but two! This one, specifically, is supposed to be the first one chronologically, so there's that!

No animation in this one, though... I was planning on announce the reason WHY this one has no animations when the update comes out, but I figured might as well do so now.

As you may likely know, animation takes time, a lot of time, not to mention skill. DigitalKaiju is a great artist, I'm sure none of us have doubts about that, but he is also one man, so there is so much he can do when it comes to the animations when it's only him working on them and all scenes have animations. So I took a very important decision: I'm cutting the amount of animations to 1 OR 2 per update depending on the length of the update.

This has proved to be effective, since we've done a ton of scenes on the townies, like Barb and Martha, and, as you've seen before, even Priyanka.

I'm still now sure how we will handle animations in the future, although I have a couple of ideas. I do have to mention, all scenes CAN have an animation, it would just be added later on, which should also make DK's work easier since he will be working on top of something he already did, and ONLY the animation instead of the whole scene.

What do you guys think? I know a lot of you like the animations, but I think it is a necessary step to work towards the game completion. Of course this can change on your input, if you think animations should be in every scene yes or yes.

That's all for now. Expect more updates in the upcoming weeks BECAUSE of these news!



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