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At least 1 of the reasons. Here she is, she will be part of this update, even though this is supposed to be her second update, but it is already done, hence why I'm adding it, to make up for the delays.

We've done plenty of modifications for her animation as well, so likely now it is better!

What do you think?

In additional news, I took this time since the announcement of the fact that you guys will need a new save file for the upcoming update to do something called refactoring. One of the reasons that the game was so hard to work on was that the code Gem Domination uses is very old code, back from when I started making games.

Refactoring basically means that we are changing how some basic things work in the code, but the work they do will remain the same. This applies to in-game character menus, which used individual screens for each character, now it will be a single screen, which should make the game faster and easier to work with. This also includes the wardrobe system, and an upcoming gallery, which won't be included in this update, though.

That's all for now! Trust me, we are working very hard for this update, and the more time passes, the more content it has! Everything left is honestly solely on me, Amazoness King, in terms of writing and coding. In fact, soon enough, I should look for help to make the writing part easier.



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