What does your body say about you? (Patreon)
2018-03-01 21:00:03
2018-03-01 21:00:05
Welcome to March my lovely patreon. Today I thought we'd talk about body image. I did 2 fun photo shoots for you this month and it got me thinking about the power of loving what you see in the mirror.
How can you feel good about the body you've got? First things first, take the time to be honest with yourself: what is your body like? When I love myself the most is when I'm being honest about my flaws and my good points. Make a list. Sounds easy right? Nope, it's hard to honestly look at yourself and be loving to the parts we don't feel are perfect. A crazy idea I've believed in a long time is that we don't have to be perfect. Beauty and kindness are as intertwined as anything in this world. So, work on being kind to yourself and look forwards to listening a little more closely to what your body is speaking about.