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You know what I've found to be super valuable for my emotional well-being as a mama? It is to take enough breath and time in my day to care for my needs so I can care for my son's. Self-Care is one of the first things to go when you're a mom or dad and yet if we don't fill up our tanks how can we expect to have the energy to care for everyone around us. 

Winter is cold, hard to get outside and a bit of a draining season for my little family. Taking a little Self-Care time really helps supercharge my emotional batteries. 

--Pick out at least one book a month to read that you really enjoy. I read a lot for work but I have to really put effort into finding a book that I actually enjoy reading for my pre-sleep routine.  

--Give yourself a shower massage once a week. Taking time to warm your muscles and relax your body truly fills up your tanks and gets you ready for the whole week ahead. 

--Spend time on your religion or spirituality. In my family we light candles and sing every Friday and it centers us in our lives. Faith can help you see things in a beautiful light. 

I love you all as a part of my lovely patreon community. Thank you for supporting and following along.  



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