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He's a real piece of shit. I have spent a long time ignoring David Seymour because he'd been an irrelevancy and I didn't want to give his toxic views an airing, but now he's less irrelevant thanks to the ongoing shit storm that is the National Party.

Over the weekend he tweeted:

Which I guess fine, if that's the position you want to take. But it's such naked opportunism. He suddenly found this position the day before mandates were to take effect after seeing large-ish protests about them.

How do I know it's opportunism? Aside from the timing, it also came just one month after this piece of coverage:

You can also tell that ACT isn't as "pro-vaccination as anybody", because in the last sentence of the tweet he says we should allow testing as an alternative to vaccine. Don't think those who are the most pro-vaccine are pro-testing as a substitute.

The hypocrisy I can deal with. But what you've got with Seymour is a politician so devoid of actual ideology beyond "winning votes"; and his strategy is to win votes from the fringes of society. And the more he does this, the more he erodes credibility in politicians as a whole. People will be able to say they're all a pack of lying bastards which just detaches us from democracy. And disenfranchisement is hard to come back from.

A wonderful example of Seymour's lack of ideology is the gun law changes that were shoved through parliament following the Christchurch terrorist attack. ACT's "principled" stance in support of gun owners was why we saw gun-fan Nicole McKee at #3 for the election.

Act did not take a principled stance against the gun laws at all. Act took a stance against the gun laws being rushed through under urgency. In fact during the debates laws, Seymour said that when he rose to speak in opposition to the laws he was opposing the bill as it was being put through, "not to the idea that firearm laws must become more restrictive."

And when National received huge backlash for supporting the law changes, Seymour quickly pivoted to being not just against the process, but against restrictive gun laws as a whole.

Seymour needs to be called out for the opportunist that he is.

When National and Labour did a joint proposal on dergulation of zonal laws to help get more houses built, Seymour said was a "hollow stunt", and shouldn't go ahead. The party that is supposed to be for property rights and deregulation came out against both. Why? Because as noted above, he's a piece of shit. A number of rich people in Epsom don't like the idea of densification and so Seymour opposed it.

Don't forget he tweeted out the code that was to be used by Māori getting the vaccine so they could up their vaccine rates. Then when he was invited on the Hui to justify his asshole move, he declined, causing Hui host Mihingarangi Forbes to call him out:

This isn't new behaviour. Seymour called Golriz Ghahraman a "menace to freedom in this country" because she wanted to expand those protected by hate speech laws. This saw a massive uptick in threats to Golriz causing her to need a security detail. 

The previous ACT leader, Jamie Whyte, may have foolishly said he was OK with incest, but at least he was ideologically consistent. Seymour isn't. He's not a libertarian, he's not a hard-line conservative, he's just a piece of shit who goes anyway he can smell votes. And because he's a "minor" party, he doesn't have to kowtow to the majority, meaning that fringe votes are all he needs.

So we can expect more bullshit from Seymour and we can expect to see more breathless coverage of it because he's the only one putting up any kind of meaningful opposition to the Government.

So for the good of the country, and the sake of my mental health, can National please sort its shit out so this pathetic little man can disappear from my consciousness. 



Alma Rae

Yet more evidence, were any needed after Gerry Brownlee, that those who can, do; those who can’t, teach; and those who can’t teach go into politics. Tbh this old adage is unfair to teachers, but not to Brownlee or Seymour, the smarmy devious little git.

Peter McFarlane

The good news is that the 'fringe' won't get them much higher than they are currently. No way 'middle' NZ will vote for him.