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I have recorded a podcast Mini-series called Dave Tells Us about Wellington Central. 

In it, I have interviewed the three major candidates for Wellington Central at the upcoming election:

National's Nicola Willis

The Green's James Shaw

Labour's Grant Robertson.

While the series is ostensibly about Wellington Central, the conversations veer wildly away from being myopically about Wellington.

In the series you'll hear who the three think the best mayor of Wellington is, will James release the letter? And can right wingers cry?

As subscribers you get first dibs on hearing the first episode, it's with Nicola Willis.

The podcast proper is still going through the Apple approval process, so you can't get your episodes there, however you can subscribe directly through my podbean account by going here: https://davidcormack.podbean.com.

I'm also starting a new website - www.davidcormack.nz - which will host video, all my podcasts and other writing. But don't worry Patreon friends, you'll still get benefits that casual website users don't.


Nicola Willis from National

In episode 1, Dave talks to National's Nicola Willis. They cover the flaws with calling the campaign Double the Tunnel, find out who is the best Mayor of Wellington and can right wing people cry?...


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