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Hey mutants, how's 2024 shaping up for you?

Here at the nuclear factory, Hoover Dam is kicking into high gear. Many tasks have been completed, issues fixed, details tweaked, and fun additions made. However, as evident from the screenshot, one very, very cool aspect of Fallout is making a comeback! :))) Alongside that, our favorite "biggest little boxing manager in the world" - Stuart Little - makes a return!

So, if you're feeling up for it, head to the NCR Army Gym in Hoover Dam and see what's happening there (definitely not the NCR-BOS war, more like good times and corruption).

P.S. Currently, boxing nicknames are unavailable due to an annoying bug, likely introduced by a modern code compiler. It will be addressed in the future, but for now, your boxing nickname is simply "Prisoner."

Talk to you soon & have fun fighting your way to the top!




Willem Brits

Looking awesome PJ! It really looks very professionally made with great mapping and placement of assets. Love the boxing tournament in Fallout 2, very happy to see a similar experience in FY! Very excited for 2024 updates from you and very impressed by what I have experienced. Thank you again for the update and all the best forward for 2024.


Do the random encounters for the prisoners exist as a placeholder until you implement them in the locations they're meant to be found? And will there be a custom interface? Thanks you and your team for all the work on this mod. Btw whats your fav Van Buren location? Mine has got to be Denver becausd I like seeing the effects of the great war on a major city.


Also could you give me the link to the latest Van Buren?