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Hello my mutant brothers and sisters,

it is time for the latest news.

A bug which prevented you from talking to some NPCs was fixed. Thanks to Johnny Joe for pointing out something fishy was going on!

Additionally, I've made big progress on the intro location. What intro location you might think? Tibbets? Well, the game was never actually supposed to start immediately inside Tibbets. As Black Isle Studios devs originally planned, the player was supposed to be a prisoner at a normal prison who suddenly wakes up in an entirely different prison (Tibbets) than the one he went to sleep in.

For some time, I was thinking of making a cinematic out of this but now I feel actual gameplay would be more fitting and fun. There's too much going on there to explain it all in a new cinematic and we already have a long atomic energy orientation video and Tibbets welcoming movie. Not to mention the upcoming narrator's intro video too. And there will be some nostalgia factor there, you will see ;-)

In related news, I wrapped up the work related to the intro and endgame slides, now all that is left is to narrate and animate!

Talk to you soon with more exciting news!



Willem Brits

Thank you as always for the wonderful update PJ, it is awesome to hear the great progress you and the other members involved are making. This is truly a project of passion and I cannot wait to experience it. I also agree with the introduction being more involved by rather being made gameplay instead of merely something you sit and watch. Thank you again for all the hard work PJ, I appreciate it!