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Heya mutants,

while I am working on Hoover Dam, I am also in the process of updating the quality of game music. I think that the legacy ACM format is long overdue with its 16-bit, 22050 Hz format. So far I updated 22 songs with more on the way.

While I am at that, I will be adding new music too! That includes exclusive songs composed by our own team member "1982"

Music was always, very, very important to the unique atmosphere of the world so it is crucial this gets as much dev love as possible.

See you next week,




Willem Brits

Hey PJ, very happy to hear that you are giving the music the special attention it deserves. Indeed, the music of Fallout 1 and 2 is absolutely critical to what made those games masterpieces. Definitely the magnum opus of Mark Morgan (along with Planescape Torment). Really looking forward to hearing the music of the project. Thanks as always for the update.