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Heya mutants, are you exploring R4?

Now it’s time to get into details of what has been planned as development continues.

1) The game will be updated on a weekly or biweekly basis from now on. Minor version will be introduced. For example R4.12. When the time is right, the major version will be bumped up. Big and medium updates require everything to be done at once. And they’re taking too long. When I focus on single aspects of the game, I produce vastly more in the same time period. That is why R4 focused on locations and art.

2) The focus in the upcoming months will remain on art and world building until towns are done. For example, the entire Hoover Dam is finished but implementing it into the engine is very time consuming. After that I will move onto quests.

3) Dialogs, NPCs, quests are 80% done, programming them isn’t. That is still our bottleneck.

The plan is to get as much of content out there as soon as possible in hopes of attracting talented Fallout 2 modders who can help finish this even faster. We’re getting there one way or the other!

All the best in 2022!




Hey PJ loving R4 so far, if you need any help with art assets let us know

PJ & Co

Sure, you can help with talking heads? I’ll send you a message.