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Hello mutants,

how are you doing on this fine Monday? Me, not so well! I planned on doing an update yesterday as usual, but one of the areas got corrupted! 

The pesky error message says:
Error during execution: Couldn't open scripts\・te`・x・ハ・.int for read

Yeah, that's not gonna get fixed.

I spent so much time trying to work around this that in the end I just decided to use the backup version and redo the missing edits.

Anyways, to make everyone feel better I am bringing more screenshots this time around. Can you guess which places these screenshots are from? I bet you can't! But do try and surprise me in the comments down below :))

For the upcoming week, I think I will focus on rebuilding the lost area and just writing code for quests.

See you soon,




Hagan Koscheski

I love this all though by the way keep up the good work my guy!


These look great! If I were to make a couple of guesses.. hmm, is the graveyard with the vegetation in Jericho/New Canaan? I do see a Crimson Caravan sign, maybe that one is near Hoover Dam?