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Heya mutants,

hope you've been enjoying release #3 and didn't spend too much time reloading! It's a release with content that considerably raises the difficulty bar! 

Two annoying bugs in Fort Abandon have been found so if you encounter any issues there, be sure to grab the latest installer where those are fixed. 

With that said, let me give you a little tour of Fallout Yesterday's next stop.

Out next stop is R4 which will be a HUGE release. After making 3 smaller releases so far, I feel some of those have been rushed and took too long to prepare and test. 

What I want is to make releases that will keep you occupied for months, until I work on the next one. Yes, those would take more time but would be more worth it.

So let's go back to R4! So far this is what you can expect in it: completed Reservation, Mesa Verde, Blackfoots/Hangdogs and yes, Dogtown/Denver!

The last location on that list, being one of the biggest areas in the game and also one of the graphically most demanding ones will take most of my time. If I sense that it has been dragging down the entire R4, I will probably make a release cutting it out, but we will see how it goes! So far, maps for Reservation are 75% done and Mesa Verde about 60% done. Which is awesome as it has only been a week since the last release.

As usual, I will keep posting regular weekly updates on my progress so stay tuned!




I don't understand how you can be so productive! I'm very envious.


Wow, sounds awesome. This is a great time for Fallout fans thanks to you :)