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Heya mutants,

sorry for the late update. I actually took a break from the computer yesterday as my left eye became bloodshot and a bit painful due to constant gazing at the screen. I must have overworked myself while working on mapping the new areas. This is a big project so it requires extra effort but maybe some more sleep would have benefited me as well haha

But that didn't stop me from working on the game, I just switched over to my little sketchbook and continued writing and drawing there. And I also want to share a screenshot with you! :D

The progress has been great and much faster! With that said, I can even see a late January early February release date for R3! And I'm looking forward to my late December vacation as I will balance that time between full days of working on the 3rd update and enjoying my time with family and friends.

Talk to you soon,






A break does not hurt. You are doing good and been on it non-stop.


No worries. Rest, refit and relax. When you come back you will have more energy. Besides it is the season, time for a break. And downloaded the new update from you. Liked the options I saw in Character creation