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Hello mutants!

Sorry for the late update, I spent the entire weekend working on the next update and postponed the dev diary for the next day.

So far the progress has been great, 1/3 of the next update is done! I can't post screenshots yet as I don't want to spoil something but I promise I'll get some of them ready for the next update. But here is the current changelog, subject to edits until the release gets out.


Date: TBA


- Added lots of side quests to Tibbets.

- Added new areas to Tibbets.

- Added new encounters including two new Special Encounters.

- Added GOODIES folder with soundtrack, wallpapers and other bonuses. More stuff on the way as they become part of the game.

- Added racial modifiers for super mutant and ghoul players. Check the in-game descriptions for details.

- Increased running speed for super mutant players.

- Added new hidden world map location.

- Optimized installation.


- You can now use Repair and Science on all Tibbets' machines.

- You can now use your Doctor skill to harm healthy living creatures.

- Fixed Melee Master perk to support all melee weapons, not just knives.

- Added more places where low and high Luck have an effect.

- Fixed targeting screen for some enemies.


- Trash cans, antiseptic showers, training equipment and candy machines are now usable.


- Added lots of NPCs to Tibbets.

- You can now have a conversation with the Vault Boy hologram.

- You can now have a conversation with barflies.

- You can now have a conversation with kids playing around the candy machine.

- Added more reactions to player's race and gender.


- Added lots of sound effects for creatures.

- Added new music to the game.

I also managed to save the critical 3D source files from my recent HD crash. The moral of the story is that I won't be relying on the hardware backups any more, just on cloud services.

And lastly, I wanted to give a BIG shout out to our most generous patron Carib who became a dad again last week! Congratulations! :D

Going back to the workshop now, see you soon




I'm absolutely loving the changelog! Awesome news!