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Heya mutants!

You're probably wondering by now what's up in the world of Fallout Yesterday.

A huge week is behind us where I can say work got done on many smaller tasks!

Probably around 30 tasks that needed to be done were cleared, almost all of them technical ones. Some required an hour to finish and others up to 4 hours.

Personally, Fallout Yesterday stopped feeling like a big "mod" as it now has a life of its own. I've seen this coming for some time now but it didn't quite hit me like a super sledge until this week. Feels awesome!

Next week, the focus is on larger tasks, one of them being the addition of some new items and programming them into the game.

I'm off to clear even more tasks, see you soon!



Could be... I just thought it would be something a tribal father would tell his son or daughter. I would love to see a story of the Chosen One's son by the Bishop girl....


Cool.... After all this project would be centered around the tribal communities in a meaningful way