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Hello mutants! 

Hope you're doing great and had a well-earned rest this weekend. Time for a BIG update!

A lot has happened since my last post... while one thing didn't happen - I just slept for 4 hours in the last 48 hours and am about to crash after finishing this update! You're probably think that I should take it easy on myself, but I enjoy so much working on Fallout Yesterday it's hard to take a break. And also, I want to hit that first version milestone as soon as possible!

So here's what I've been up to lately...

1. Moved the entire source code from Github to Gitlab. I'm much more used to Gitlab as I use it on my work every day and it offers a better service. And I'll be able to automate lots of tests there and speed up the development!

2. Worked on the initial three areas. I slightly changed their look and I'm working on a new piece of art for them. Hope to have the new screenshots ready by next week!

3. Setup the Hero Appearance Mod! Sounds easier than it was because I have found 2 glitches that needed fixing.

4. Imported artwork for creatures and NPCs from my old Van Buren project into Fallout 2's engine. A humongous 94 of them spread in 10.430 files! With probably more to come as I move forward :-)

5. Added 10 new songs to the soundtrack. I can't guarantee all of these new songs will stay because I want to see if they'll stand the test of time. Maybe they'll prove unfit or evoke the wrong atmosphere after a while so I'll have to remove them. Speaking of the music, I'll share some of these new songs with you in the coming weeks.  

6. Created a new main menu artwork and added the 10-minute main theme song! After looking at the new artwork for a few days, I feel it's too busy so I'll remove a few elements. Expect a video of it next week as I update the portraits of the 3 pregenerated characters as well!

7. Started working on the intro cinematic. That is all I'll spoil for now hehe

8. And lastly, here's a little unique gift for you. A wallpaper of Gasbot created for the original Van Buren with a resolution of 5504x3096! You won't find it with a better quality on this side of the galaxy!

Grab it here https://i.imgur.com/OT6yIIz.jpg

That's it from me for this week! 

- PJ signing out, take care and see you soon!


PJ & Co

P.S. Something funny.. I managed to break the left button on my mouse. Sometimes instead of doing one click, it double-clicks. Guess I was pushing it to its limits lately xD


Well if that isn't you working hard, I don't know what is.

PJ & Co

Thank you bro! Going for that first release milestone and getting there ASAP!