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Good evening mutants!

It's past 11 PM here and I just finished setting up this page.
I'm excited to share all the great news on the game's progress in the months ahead of us!
You might hear me blasting the Ink Spots from all the way up here :D  

It would be fitting to start this post with a little tribute to Black Isle Studios and of course explain why I changed the name of the game from Van Buren to Fallout: Yesterday. 

Looking at this logo brings back so many great memories of spending endless nights glued to the CRT monitor exploring the sci-fi and fantasy worlds of incredible depth and fun!

Sadly, Black Isle Studios is long gone now but their legacy lives on - at least here.
In 2017., I had the pleasure of meeting Tim Cain, Chris Avellone and T-Ray Isaac and telling them about my fan project and how much I appreciate what they did back then.

I even managed to get them to autograph my Fallout collection and Planescape: Torment, squeezed out some priceless game developer advice out of them and a funny story from T-Ray how a Vault Boy ended up as a pizza mascot. He also blessed my art efforts after seeing the screenshots which I was anxious about! He was one of the key Fallout artists not to mention Vault Boy's dad xD

So with this game, one of my main goals is not to disappoint - both the fans and the original developers. I'll give my best and pour all the skills I have to make this as close to a Black Isle Studios game as possible. Free for everybody to play and see what it should have been. 

I know I can do it - not to mention I have fun working on the game! It's not always easy and sometimes it's even expensive - if you feel you want to support me, donate a euro or two - that will reduce the costs and speed up the development.
So keep track of my progress on this page as it mutates and grows!

And to finally answer THE question... why I renamed the game? 

Here's a handy list of all the reasons:

  • Fallout: Yesterday brings the game closer to one of its core plot themes.
  • The name is a nod towards classic Fallout games of yesterday. Not to mention it uses Fallout 2 engine.
  • A trademark was filed for "Van Buren" on October 17, 2014, by Roxy Friday LLC, a company associated with inXile Entertainment. No one from InXile contacted me regarding this although I know Brian Fargo was informed about my efforts to create Van Buren back then.
  • Van Buren was a temporary codename and honestly, it sounds nothing like a Fallout game. Van Buren's name should remain linked to what it has always been linked to - Van Buren's tech demo.

Take care, 



Dr. Tobillo

Oh boy, I really, really, REALLY look forward to hearing from this. I'vereplayed FO1 and 2 so many times and I've always lamented the absence of Van Buren, seems like a nice bridge to 1/2 and NV's lore and story. You have my pledge!