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Hello mutants,

I hope you're enjoying v0.6 as much as we enjoyed putting it together! So far, the feedback has been wonderful :-D. Many major gaming portals have picked up the news regarding this release. Thank you all for spreading the word; Fallout fans are the best! If you want to see what journalists had to say, here's a list of the news articles I'm aware of:

This level of coverage is incredible and beyond our expectations. We are thankful for it because our project is now on the radar of many Fallout fans who might have been unaware of it. So, onward to version 1.00 and many more exciting updates!

Here at the atomic workshop, we have already started fixing the initial bugs that have been reported. Thankfully, there are no show-stoppers, just a couple of annoying bugs that slipped by. Note to self: next time, don't implement a cool feature one hour before a major release. 

The most frequent issue reported was with installation. Sometimes people try to use a non-US version of fallout2.exe, which doesn't work, or they have issues with the Hi-Res mod, often forgetting to enable it. I'm thinking of ways to improve this process for the next release because installation should be as smooth as possible. We all want to jump straight into the game without having to tinker too much with the setup.

That's all from us for this week. We will talk again soon about the progress on the next public release.

-PJ & Co



Hell yeah dude! This is fantastic news, I'm happy that you and the team are getting recognition outside of a very niche fan base, hopefully this brings you (and in turn, us) more traffic.

PJ & Co

Thank you! We’re looking forward to welcoming new fans to the nuclear family.