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Hello everyone!

I read your suggestions from the previous post and some where very good!
but I gotta say that thinking a bit about it, I won't be able to make many of them in time, I started this too late u.u

Still, a few of you were asking for the Costume Party to be back, and this might actually be the best approach if I want to get something done on time for this Halloween
So, change of plans! sorry :p

But for this year I want the transformations to be more "drastic", since it's the time of the year I get to do things a bit more weird and bizarre :3

I'm thinking something like Monster girls, hybrids creatures or any bizarre transformation in general.

So, hit me with your suggestions again :3

also, I don't have much time so the deadline is tomorrow at midnight, but it's a soft deadline I guess... I'l try to stretch it as much as possible (while I'm still working on other stuff).
Poll coming inmediately after.


- Up to two suggestion per person this time.
- Halloween related (think something like Monster girls, hybrids creatures or bizarre transformations)

Deadline:  October 11;  10:00 PM PST



Something with a snakegirl and harpy transformation would be interesting


What about the classic "A spell to make all the costumes at the party real" concept, but the spell goes awry, scrambling the costumes and parts of the guests?