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Looks like that wish changed more than just her body :3

Main Post with all pages so far:  

Hello everyone!

I know I said I was gonna work on this one this month,
but there was a change of plans.
I'm still uploading this page since I think it's a nice peek for what's to come c:

There's more content coming, most of it will be uploaded at the end of the month.
(next week)
There's a reason for that, but you'll have to wait a bit longer. :3

I know it's been a slow month,
but I've been working hard on something I think you'll enjoy :3

thanks for your support! <3




Thank you, this is awesome!


Oh super happy to see new page and plan to fi ish this one, it's super good, but also can't wait for your other projects 😃


Such a gorgeous girl. ^^ &lt;3