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Hello Everyone!

Following this post:

The winner was Option 2:
Lonely guy during New Year browsing the Internet come across a weird add/spam (Life Change add) (what kind of life he gets, to be determined later)

The app/spam mentioned is this one:

So, the og suggestion was along the lines of turning into a Milf but that's just a bit too similar to something I'm working on atm (spoilers :p)

So, that's the reason I didn't took that Idea, but I like this app/spam and I think its a good fit for New Year...

Now, the question is...
What kind of New Life will he get this New Year? :3

- 1 suggestion per person (keep it short)
- The ideas I like more will make it to the poll,
  but feel free to like or comment on the ones you like.
- short deadline again! just 1 and a 1/2 day!
 make sure to post your suggestions soon! :3



Maybe one of those "Raygun gothic" retrofuturism pinup girls? Perhaps he always dreamed of exploring space like in a pulp novel, but ends up doing so like this: https://i.etsystatic.com/5958333/c/500/397/0/48/il/2de28b/1679231269/il_680x540.1679231269_kag5.jpg https://www.deviantart.com/cypressdahlia/art/Retro-Futuristic-Pin-Up-Commission-643736244


Spoiled pet girl of loving lesbian mistress couple