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Last time updated: July 28
This is the main post for this Comic




I'd love this to happen to me


Aha, I see where this is going now.


I love this new lady XD She has spirit.


Order up, one goth dommy girlfriend, with glasses!


Lol “I’m late!” Welll you Gona be really late now

Alec Poland

Wow. That’s really wrong. Why would you force a guy to do that?


What would be hilarious would be the girlfriend coming in from the other direction as they try to meet up with each other...


We haven't had a pregnant transformation in a minute. That'd be nice

James Abbot-Cole

I just like following the whole story. When it stops I just get a bit "bugger, oh well wait for the next bit.".

Alec Poland

Do you have any idea what it’s like? Being forced into the wrong body and having to live with it every day?


yess zoat is back

James Abbot-Cole

No but I have plenty of experience being an outsider for being different, also not sure my comment is really relevant to your conversation. I like Kannel's work for the artwork and stories of people finding their place in the world even if it isn't necessarily the one they envisaged for themselves. In your case you would have the body you need and in my case I would be able to feel comfortable around others. There are plenty of other writers and artists who deserve scorn for their use of stereotypes and demeaning tropes but Kannel isn't one of them.

Alec Poland

You don’t get to decide what’s demeaning to a trans person. This art basically mocks and sexualizes the pain I feel every day by forcing others into the same predicament.

Alec Poland

I’m not actually. I’m trying to provide a different perspective

Alec Poland

I came here because of the femboys and the comic that actually had a trans woman. Which I appreciated.


A ton of us live every day with dysphoria and fantasizing like this is an outlet.


I love ZOAT 🙂


Lovely extra feast on Turkey Day in America


Always good to see more of this!


OMG new Zoat i love this setting


Alec, you are a very toxic guy in this community here... pls shut it or leave.