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Just for Gold Suporters!

just thought you might be interested on knowing some stuff!!!

dunno... just an idea :P 

I wont answer absolutly anything ...  but at least i will try c: 



Do you get any time for gaming, if so which platforms and what are your favourite genres/games?


I do get a lot of time for gaming :P (maybe i shouldnt ;P) just got a PS4 and i'm stuck with Final Fantasy XV!!! And i also loved UNDERTALE!!! but i do like I lot of genres... mostly RPGs and Open world games--- oh, and i also play OVERWATCH :P


Do you have any advice for someone who is trying to draw better?


As I asked on tumblr I am curious on your backround or history, how you found interest in these topics and your relation to them


sure... kind of depends your level. if you are starting, copy a lot !!! (both from artist you like and from real life). after you have some experience, try reading some books about perspective and human anatomy. aside that, just keep drawing !


this is a hard question to answer... couse there was a lot of denial at that time... maybe it was the first game I played as a girl (maybe metroid?) ...or maybe it was lancer from robotech (might have been the first crossdresser i saw on TV? not sure) ... but i have allways found interest in this topic. Does those influenced me ? i'm not sure... i cannot tell... as far as i remember i have allways feel an interest about this subject ... so i cannot say i "gained it" somewere ...


Are you a crossdresser or is it just a taste choice in your drawings ?

Royse Loren Leech

Would you mind telling us about you and your life, a little. For instance where and when did you develop a liking for anime and mangas, you talked about Robotech (one of my favs) also seen you talk about mangas too.


I have crossdressed but i wont say I'm "a crossdresser". last time i did was like 3 years ago :P


mmmh... i don't know xD I think Robotech was a big influence for me to like anime... maybe some old cartoons helped as well (at that time i didnt even knew they were from japan) like Ketetsu Jeeg and some other animes that made it here... and later i got some VHS with Dragon Ball Z and I got Hooked xD ... Unfortunately i'm not really into "new animes or mangas" ... so i hardly see anything new and i just keep following 3 mangas , ONE PIECE, JOJO and BERSERK :P


How do you feel about the new Berserk anime's animation style. I mean I'm happy they are continuing it but I wish they would go back to hand drawn instead of cg.


well ... I just have seen one Animated version, the 3 ovas about the Golden Age. I think that one is amazing , i really loved how it looked (not so much as the manga but still). I don't really feel like watching both the old and the new Anime since I Already read the manga. :/


eventually? maybe... i don't know :/


What do you think of this years election? Where do you live? (Just the country/state/province) Would you ever dable in the darker side of drawing? I draw, occasionally. I have a lot of ideas, but never get around to doing them; busy with my research/studies. Anyway, I would like to send some of my work to you for your opinion/types. Would this be ok?


I think both candidates sucked :/ ... but i'm not from there anywa, I'm from Santiago, Chile. Darker side of drawing? not sure what you mean ... like naughtier? at some times maybe ... not so much .... you can send me a few to m mail... kannelart@gmail.com but i'm not really a good critique :P


Hi Kannel, love your work found your work on some free sites and just had to add you on Patreon! and now for the question, Have you heard of/played the game Trap Quest? It has the same themes as your art only more hardcore(?). It has artwork in it that depicts the player character gradually transforming more and more into a bimbo and your art style would be amazing in it. Check it out if you haven't already. Thanks for listening!


Oh! I know that game! it's so hard! lol It does have artwork now? last time i see it, used real life pictures. I'm glad you like my work and thank you for supporting it :D


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Oh shit. My pocket wanted to ask you something.