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I know this is the worst time posible, since we just reach a goal :/ But unfortunately, there won't be Raan's Doll next month.

The reason, the script for chapter 3 is still coming along and i don't really want to rush it. I already told you guys some time ago this might happen, but I feel like this is the worst timing :/

anyway, not saying there won't be any comic content next month !!!

There is something cool & sexy coming soon for halloween :D (and will continue the next month)

plus The New Order sequel !!! 

So, I hope this doen't stop you from supporting my work c:

but still, had to let you know in case you want to make changes on your pledges for next month.

PS: There is still a small chance you get to see the first pages of Raan's Doll chapter 3. But i won't count on it.





So what can we expect to see as a one to one replacement for Raans Doll?

Royse Loren Leech

Personally I like the fact you taking time to make sure Raan's doll stays up to its excellent work, I know you will make it worth the wait. I know you will keep us entertained till it does come out


one to one replacement? not sure what you mean :/ ... I'm just saying i will keep the pages quota i will deliver next month, but for other short comics while i focus on Raan's Doll script.


Will pledge anyway. Love the work all of it 😀

Sonic Sophie

I for one just adore all your work so anything from you is incredible and if there is some raan then that's just a bonus hun xx


Definitely take your time and don't rush Raan's Doll. If I learned anything from anime, it's that it really sucks when they throw filler after filler at us. Not saying you'll be giving us fillers for Raan's Doll but the quality will be lacking so definitely take your time, I'm sure all of us will be happy waiting. 😁


Oh well. You make a lot of great stuff. And yes, Raan's Doll is something you should take your time with. A rushed storyline isn't good.


anything good is worth waitting