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August Giveaway Request Winner!

Keylee Hansen!!!

This time the winner also sent me a caption to accompany this image!!!

Hope you like it! :D


When Spencer went through a bad breakup, his friends dragged him out for a night of drinking and commiseration at the hottest club in town. However, despite his friend’s best efforts little could improve Spencer’s mood. He ordered drink after drink, until he was so sloshed that he decided to order the most expensive thing he could find: “The Djinni’s Delight.”

The drink arrived in a genie’s lamp straight out of Aladdin, a pale blue mist seeping from within. Without a second thought, the Spencer slammed back the lamp, draining it of its potent brew in a single quaff.

“Make a wish!” someone called.

“Yeah, okay.” Spencer scoffed. “I wish that instead of this stupid lamp I had one of those sluts on the dance floor.”

He must have blacked out at some point, because the next thing Spencer knew he heard his friend Charlie calling out, “…ra! …eira! Hey, Keira!”

“Huh – wha?” Spencer managed to mumble out, his vision clearing.
“Girl, you’ve only had one drink!”

It was only then that Spencer realized that Charlie was talking to him – no, her. The lamp was gone – becoming a tattoo on her skin - and no one remember Spencer at all. It was only the beginning of Keira, the Djinn-Cursed, the only one who would remember all the wishes she would spread from there on.


When Spencer’s friends bought him the “Djinni’s Delight” at the local club, he really should have watched his words more carefully. Now, Keira’s definitely the one getting laid tonight, just not in the way she might have hoped.

PS: Just in case you are wondering, i will chose the winners for September on a few days. (I will allways do the raffle one week after the month is over, the same with the rewards)
