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Hello everyone!!!

Next month I’ll be putting this for sell on some places. You know, to promote the site! :D  It's pretty much the same that you can already find here to be honest, but it comes with 2 bonus art I made exclusive for this, plus the cover!

 Anyway, if you are interested on taking a look and get a good quality PDF copy for your TG digital library, I will also give this to all my PRO and GOLD Subscribers too! ($5 USD or more).Most likely i will deliver it with the rewards one week after September. :D

I will release this bonus arts eventually for Core members too, but it will be exclusive for a while for Pro and Gold members. 

So, don't forget to change your pledge NEXT MONTH if you are interested on this!

Hope you like the cover! :D 






is the typo intentional?


Way to go! :) Content wise, this one isn't my cup of tea personally. But I do think that for a porn audience, it is within the realm of the acceptable. And I feel that such stories of forced situations are cathartic in nature without crossing the line of acceptability (I'm aware of examples that do cross the line). I like that you are planning to sell it. You've got talent, and you should keep right on using it. :)