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Kuragehime Fanart!

Just started watching this Anime last night and I'm really loving it (⌒o⌒)

The Olé part is hard to explain unless you have seen the anime, but the blonde is really boy and he tends to refer to himself as ORE (which is used only by man in japan I believe)

So the girl behind start yelling/singing Olé as a way to cover it, and somehow it works xD 

Anyway, very cute wholesome anime with a cross dresser character to boost,
you can look for it on YouTube, I watched it from there :p

UPDATE: Just finished the Anime just to realize in never got a proper ending u.u
                  Time to read the Manga :p

Another extra, so, sharing this soon on the socials but uploading it a bit earlier here!
Hope you like it 





I think I’ve seen this before


Oh yes, Princess jellyfish (Kuragehime)... It's been on my to watch list, for such a long time, but haven't gotten to watch it. Still, this art reminded me of it, so it went up my list to the next anime to watch, thanks Kannel 😊


What a coincidence. I just finished this anime. 😂


Damn it has been a long time since the last time I watched this, this might be a sign to rewatch it


Sounds a little bit like Bosom Buddies from the précis I read.


This is so cuuute! 🥰 I loved Kuragehime! Would love to see more from this show! 😍