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**Preview/Sneak Peek**

Or maybe is Raandal's Toy? 

Someone posted that on DA and kept me thinking :P 

 Anyway ! Last raffle thing i did !! 

lots of people participated wich is very cool !!! 

I will try to make another one during this month if posible. 

(need to finish the comic pages first)

 The winner was Bill Page! 

who actually seconded Kara Hunter suggestion! xD 

so it was a team up win :D

Preview for now ! 

finished version soon! 

Hope you like it ! 

PS: Someone know the right size (width) for pictures here on Patreon? have been trying to find out but haven't been able yet ... anyway... meanwhile just right click and open on a new window...



Kayden of Course

:-O what if there's an alternate universe story where raandal becomes the new sammy O.O