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End of this episode ! 

Hope you like it :D  


Previous Pages: 


Chapter 2:


Chapter 1:


PS: Next time i think i will change the way i'm uploading this files, i think i will put them again on the main page of Patreon, and will upload them separatly. (maybe a page per week or something like that) what do you think? 




FOUL!!!! FOUL!!!! sure have sex then tell poor Sammy you taking charge, dirty trick...LOL 😂 Story getting better and better with each page....Loving it


Oh when do we get to hear the story about the blonde doll and piece of paper saying Sam on it?


I'm curious, do you already have the overall storyline and directions/ chapters planned or does it just evolve? I like the sudden release of several pages :)


i do have an overall storline... more like guidelines anyway .. the story keeps evolving

Martin Lock

"But since we are both girls now...one of us should be in charge. And that should be me - don't you think?" Looks as if chapter three should be very interesting! I am reminded of the pair at the fetish meeting. "What you need to understand is that this is something we both want." And "Master takes good care of me... and I take good care of him."

Kayden of Course

hehehehehehehehe i saw your reference there kannel......more like guidelines anyway :3 lmao


Just Great! Thanks! btw , I'm new a this "patreon thingh" please how can i see the several previous "month rewards" ? I've found the pages but no links to the pics. Thanks again .


Hello Ginger, thanks for the support! c: mmmh... not sure what you mean... most of the work i do ends in the main page <a href="https://www.patreon.com/kannelart">https://www.patreon.com/kannelart</a> Aside that, the only way to get access to some past exclusive content (previous NSFW stuff) is by pledging 10$. There you get links to art packs with the rewards. let me know if that answer your question :)


Hi, yes, thanks for the answer, keep up the great art!