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Last poll worked really well! So i'm doing it the same way again! 

Below here you will find 5 post made by me,each one corresponding one of the chosen suggestions!Just give a like to the one you like more!!! 

I had to change some suggestions to make them fit with the rules but here they are!

PLEASE NO COMENT BELOW, JUST VOTES (likes)!Any comment will be deleted.Thanks!!! 



6. Captured Western soldier is transformed into an Arab babe wearing a satin burka.


5. Guy playing pokemon GO, wen the game asks him is he is a boy or a girl he start changing into a female pokemon trainer!


4. Retired rugged army guy turned into a sex milf wife!


3. Guys playing beach volleyball suddenly turn into girls wearing tight female volleyball suits!


2. Old geezer at a pub with transform into a fashion girl at a coffee shop.


1. Girlfriend dressing up his boyfriend into sex lingerie, notice he's actually physically changing! she does nothing to stop it