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*Pro-Gold members only*

This time I really want to focus more into a transformation sequence, 

male to female, focusing on showing the transformation, so, no story.

Now... there are still a lot of options there, I mean...

what kind of men? ... will become what kind of women? 

I'll let that part to you guys!!!

*Suggestions with more likes are more likely to be chosen for the final poll.

 (the first suggestion posted have more chances to get more likes).

*Just one suggestion per person, but you can support other ideas you like as well.

*This is going to be just a one page comic/secuence, keep it simple please. 

PS: Not sure if i will be able to stream this one...  

Still having problems with my Computer... with some luck i will get it

back next week.



I wouldn't mind seeing t-shirt and cargo shorts being replaced by something on the "foofy" side of elegant. Deploy all the ruffles!


What about the olympic male beach volleyball team? Guys turn into girls with those tight shorts on the beach.


So far you've done well on (rather girlish-looking) young men turning into equally aged women. How about more challenging? A group of not-too-ugly old geezers (complete with cliche beer-belly) at a pub - turning into group of middle school fashion girls at a coffee-shop?

Nichole O'Conner

How about male superheroes (not necessarily from existing IPs) turning into female supervillains? Some sort of corruption from an arch-enemy turning them from a Superman-type to a Power Girl-type, or something like that. Again, doesn't have to be existing characters. Probably more fun for you to make up your own ones.

Kayden of Course

what about a rugged army guy getting out of the service and turning into an army wife....or just a wife in general lol

Blue Dragon

Girlfriend seduces boyfriend to let her dress him up... By the time he realizes he's actually physically changing, he's too aroused to say stop.


A penniless college student takes part in a Clinical Trial for a handsome cash sum. The Clinical Trial is for penis enlargement cream. After applying the cream to his genitals, the student is transformed into a Anthro-Female Cow with four massive breasts. The students genitals have also transformed into the cows giant udders.


Guy goes to a psychiatrist to stop smoking & the therapist suggests he needs to transfer his oral fixation to something more healthy with hypnosis & a drug regime. Becomes a curvy hooker obsessesed with oral sex.


Ignoring the no story part... pokemon is current hype.. typical gamer guy who is addicted in 'evolving his pokemon' evolve to a cute gamer girl. As he walks playing the game he transforms


Large, buff male body builder is "peeled" out of his skin to become a petite, athletic female.

Kameron Walker

A man coming from a military family that wants to transition but knows his family will never accept it. PS The Pentagon just lifted its ban on Transgender! Yay!


Captured Western soldier transformed by Arab babe wearing satiny burka.


A pastor is cleaning out the lost and found, comes across a ring, puts it on and is morphed into a plastic surgery enhanced stripper.


Wife wishes on a falling star. Husband (shirtless) transforms into a woman. Wife says, "Looks like I got my wish." :D

Kayden of Course

orrrrrrrrr why not a guy putting his girlfriends clothes away gets attacked by the closet and you can show what each piece does, and by the end his gf comes in and says wow, that looks WAY better on you than me :3


hate to say this but a few of these idea i think i seen it written or toss arround quite a bit pls don't be mad at me for saying this


also harold your idea is some what close to sapphire fox works except hers was brother and sister while yours is boy friend and girlfriend just saying


I would still go for the Overwatch idea xD

Martin Lock

Given that we want a transformation sequence, rather than an abrupt "magic wand" change, and no great amount of story, I do think Blue Dragon's idea is the most promising this month - and judging by the number of likes, I'm not alone in this opinion... :)


Well I was too late with submitting the idea, I'll try it next month again ^^