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Hey everyone!

I was thinking about how to share more previews,
I’m not a fan of them but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t share stuff for the people who do like them. :p

But I’m not sure if posting them here on Patreon is the best idea for these, for a few reasons,  mainly that I don’t want people to get notifications or being spammed about something they might not have interest in seeing, and also because the teases are sometimes small images and they just don’t look great on a post.

I also don’t want to fill the Patreon main page with post about previews or having to be deleting them later to keep it clean.

So, I’m really considering making a Discord channel specifically for this.
That way the people who are interested can join the server and be notified of the previews there!

And yes, I do have a Discord in case someone wasn’t aware c:

Now there is one thing that keep me from just making this, and that’s that you will
NEED to make a Discord account to have access to this content. (In the case you don’t have one yet or don’t want to use your main one for this), you will also HAVE TO link your Discord account to your Patreon account (which isn’t hard but is an extra step) because the channel will be exclusive for $3+  Patreons  (since this is channel will be exclusive content for Patreons, while the Discord server itself is Public)

This will make things definitely easier for me and I might feel more open to share stuff, since I almost never share previews currently anyway  :p 

But still wanted to ask what you think about this!?
Mainly if you will be willing to make and link a Discord account or if you’re ok not making one and missing on this specific “content” (previews/sneak peeks)

Anyway, I also mentioned a Preview and here it is!
This one’s the first page for a short comic that is coming tomorrow!
so, you can chose to skip and wait or you can take a look right now! Is up to you! 

The page is just art, no dialogue! And I already shared the first 2 panels actually :3


Anyway, hope you like it!
Let me know what you think about the discord stuff!
and sorry for the long post :p




I would be fine with discord, just make sure to notify peeps when previews posted.

Cole jones

Oh so we are finally getting the bayonetta transformation I'm excited to see it in full.


Great idea, as someone that doesn't like getting spammed with those. By default you are subscribed to discord notifications, and you can control those so that you can turn them on/off for various things


I mean I'm already part of the discord, so I'm good with whatever you choose to do!


I already have discord but don't know how link it with patron

Rafa Gutierrez

Bayonetta transformation! I love that extremely feminine woman ^^


Discord seems like a solid option. I know other creators do it as well.




You have to do it on the Patreon Profile settings, i cannot test it on my end but pretty sure it works. let me know :3


Thanks for the link even when I joined discord a few days earlier than your post I didn’t now you had discord (that’s why there where a few comments on this thing on Twitter from me… man was I wrong) For your idea yes it could be great and discord could be the best form for it For me a preview is a little teaser for the final page but for the artist it can be even more stress because it can be another date on which a part of the art must be ready So at the end it’s up to you again if you want to really make it