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Hey everyone!!!

So here's the thing...

i have been thinking about completely remove the monthly lottery...

Why would I do that, you ask?

Well... First, if i remove it, i will be able to create more

content for everyone instead for just one person, so, instead of doing those I

could create extra content, ask for suggestions and do polls more often!

Second: In the long run this can mean even more comic pages per


Third: Is actually kind of illegal (i learned that you can't

really do this on Patreon,  though everyone does anyway :P)

Now, the downside? well... you might feel that you are getting

less and stop supporting my comics or feel inclined to lower your pledge, which

would create the opposite effect and end slowing the release of the comics...

So, that’s why I’m making this post, I would really like to hear

your thoughts about this!!!

Thank you for your support!




Personally, I'd support it going away. I back because I want the content sooner and to show support. The lottery hasn't ever really appealed much to me.

Kiera Kujisawa

I will continue to support at my current level regardless. I really enjoy your work. 😊


Lotto snotto, I be behind bringing us more comic pages.


Yep more content is always something I will back. I am supporting because I love the content. I personally never really put any thought into the lottery. I always looked forward to the content (i.e.- updates to Raan's Doll and ZOAT)


The lottery was never a consideration when pledging for me, was always about the great comics!


I love your comics but one of the reasons I pledged higher was for the extra lottery tickets, I would still support your comics but personally i would pay a little less


Not really worried about the lottery myself. I love your comics and I want to support more Raan's Doll, so would have no impact on my support.

Gary Lubben

I much rather have everyone get more of the awesome comics.


I'll be honest iv never really known how to take advantage of this lottery since I started pledging but iv kept my pledge the same nonetheless. While I'd love to win it (if I knew how to participate lol) but I love your art so if it means more it's all good.


If it means a chance at the zoat more often? Be gone lotto!


Yeah, I would prefer no lottery. Even at the highest tier, odds of winning are minuscule. I'd enjoy more streams and polls.


Maybe a quarterly lottery?


I became a patron because I needed to find out what happens in Raan's Doll sooner. I'd prefer more comics a month.


i agree more comics


More comics ! :)

Martin Lock

More pages per month works for me. I'm not entirely sure what winning the lottery got a patron, probably a private commission rather than a large cheque and a box of chocolates, but more about Raan and Sammy seems better for everyone...

Andy M

I am not fussed, since I never figured there was much chance of winning anyhow. I am drawn to seeing the comic evolving sooner. One compromise could be every so often to have a poll of which special art work to do that month (or whatever the interval is)?

Kayden of Course

Personally, I think its a great idea, while the polls give us "input" you can always post em in a blog on deviant art or provide a link to it there....been following you since you hit DA and you've always replied to me so I might be biased :P but if your fans and supporters enjoy your art....they'd support your decision to possibly provide MORE new content and be okay with a lack of polls, just saying


I prefer to keep the lottery, you might have some different input from the usual.


I would definitely give up the lottery if it means more pages for Raans' Doll, but LordOmega's right : it provides you different input from usual. Now, you could always ask for suggestions more often instead of making polls made out of limited choices : I'm pretty sure you could come with a (big) ongoing list of ideas constantly growing, everyone being able to "+1" the ideas they like, the top-voted ideas being made.

Dov Sherman

I support this decision. I'd rather see more comic pages and I don't want you to get in trouble.


I actually reduced my contribution because I was not getting enough Raan's Doll and the lottery is not always interesting to me. I'm strongly in favor of removing it.


yeah i also think the odds are too small... thanks for your comment !


that would be hard to implement... since the people that support the comic every month change a bit...


but that different imput can still be there with polls and suggestions... but yeah, would be less of that i guess


oh it's automatic, ever person who pledge more than $5 was part of it... thanks for the comment :)


thats totall understable, thanks for keeping the support though :)


Yeah. It'd be cool to get some custom art from you but Raan's doll is already enough and amazing and so are the little one shots. I think keeping around the suggestion polls is a good way to give people the ability to get something somewhat custom for them (like if their suggestion is picked) without just catering to one person.