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Guess they were caught in a lie...
they are certainly Naughty  :3 

It's a Christmas Comic so I wanted to end it on a fun/happy note  :p

Hope you like it!
and wish you all a Happy Christmas! 

mirror links:
Page 10: https://i.imgur.com/OSdC9XK.jpg
Page 11: https://i.imgur.com/LQqnrUR.jpg
Page 12: https://i.imgur.com/7ZovjiM.jpg
Page 13: https://i.imgur.com/IapmOqF.jpg




I love Bimbo Claus


heh Santa still such a cutie.

Lying Lark

Oh please continue this next year

Cole jones

Are you perhaps going to do more with this comic because I would really like to see more of were this story is going. Maybe you could do some sequences showing more people being changed or something like that until next Christmas were it could be santa and krampus together with his harem. Also merry Christmas to you and a happy new year. Hey maybe you could do a sequel to that new year tg sequence you did a while back.


10 pages this month I thing I'm good Σ( ̄。  ̄ノ) but sure, this might continue :3

Cole jones

I would love it to hey maybe throughout next year each month you could a tg sequence that shows someone doing something bad being changed and then being brung to krampus and then next December you can finish it with krampus having fun with his harem and then getting santa and her elf's and reindeer.


This is fun, and I would love to see this story going on and on. But, don't get distracted from things like Raan's Doll and some of your other currently going stories!


I really like this idea, and it would make for a great two page sequence every month as Krampus and his ladies catch a new girl for the harem. Especially if the new girl is from a holiday that month. (Mind you, I'd like to see the April Fools one being the Krampus thinking that it caught the right person...but, it's the Krampus that got caught...)

Cole jones

Zakueins glad you like the idea I hope kannel does too and that does sound interesting that if the month has a well know holiday he goes after the girl or guy that embodies that holiday and changes them for his harem.


Thanks and merry christmas


What a lovely ending !!! Bimbo claus is really such a cute blonde :3 😅


OOH spreading the joy


fun! can't wait till next year!


That was sooooo AWESOME 😀 where did he get the magic coal from I wonder and where can I get some but I have to wait a whole year to see how the dastardly plan plays out( insert sad smiley face). Merry Xmas and things will be better in 2021 new year. We'll unless your playing cyberpunk 2077 on a PlayStation 4 or xbox one.

Rökkr Ragnarok

So then... will Krampus ever get TFed?~


🤣😄Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 🥳 Happy Year and be well my friend ⛄️


Buon natale K. 😘🎄