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Hey everyone

To be honest, the first pages are finished and just need to spellcheck them,
but as to try to make the wait less painful for the next pages, I want to upload them the closer to the end of the month as possible. That would mean next week!

The second and third installment will happen at the end of October and beginning of November, so, there will be a long wait between the first and second...

But I'll rather have that and have the second and third close to each other :/

I hope you understand, that's just the nature of how Patreon works

meanwhile I'll leave you with a small preview with some familiars ... Androids?
because, I don't know... It's the future and It's a weird Comic :p

preview: https://i.imgur.com/t3leZJs.jpg




I'm squirming already!

Kaffeyette Lektor

Cool. Androids / familiars? Are these like avatars that people download / upload themselves into?