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Hello Everyone!

I have been thinking I should make one of these at least every month!

On time I will try to make it look nicer… but this is how it is right now.

(Crappy English included)

So, I hope you are all starting this year with the right foot!

Personally I’m a bit behind schedule, but aside that, all’s cool!!!

So… a few things I wanted to mention here:


For those new around here, I always deliver the reward around 1 week after the month is over.

So if you just joined, you will get the Rewards the first week of the next month.

I’m always uploading stuff here during the month anyway.


Right now those who pledge this amount are getting a couple of Video Process, 

a higher chance to win the monthly Lottery and the right to suggest ideas once a month. Now, last time I didn’t get many suggestions.

Maybe some people would like to pledge this amount, but they would like to get a better deal? So what I’m asking here is, what would you like to get so the $10 pledge is worth the money?

I’m talking about something that doesn’t take me too long to make…

Maybe you have seen something someone else do that could work? Ideas are appreciated.

Note: I’m not really much into exclusive content since I kinda like sharing all the stuff I do :P


Some few people have told me taht is a bit inconvenient  for them to get the files on rar format. (Mainly because they want to watch the stuff from their phone or tablets). Unfortunately this month will stay the same, but hopefully starting next month I might be able to upload the content online (at least the comics) since I’m working on a web page ! woot!

Thanks to one of my supporter who is helping me with it!!! :D


Cools! Isn't it ? :P

And that would be it for now…

The idea of this newsletter is that you can also comment about stuff you might want to see, or something you might think should change, maybe share some ideas to make this place even better for everyone! So please feel free to share your ideas!





Thanks for always putting out fantastic work!


Thanks for the hard work Kannel! I would like to see a guy watching tv and his gf showing up woth a video tape of sissification hipnosis and the guy doesn't believe in it. So he watches the video and after the video he gets dolled up with twin tails!


eeer... but this post wasn't for suggestions xD glad you like my work !