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Long post coming, sorry about that u.u 

A previously mentioned, starting July 1th , Patreon will start charging a new tax.
Now, I don’t think this is Patreon being greedy or something like that… I really think that this is just some countries getting in-pace with the times… and most likely more countries will be added to this list in the near future. 


I have been making some research about it… and the main problem to give a proper explanation is the fact that it works different depending the country you are, and this value might change in time as well.

The thing is, in theory, this tax might not be applicable to the “whole amount” but just a percentage of it, depending the benefits you get and where you are from.

For example, Patreon states that the “general support” benefit  (which would mean that people is supporting my work mainly because they want to) is exempt from sales taxes in “the majority” of us states  while “digital goods”, like comics or PDF’s are taxable in all states which Patreon is collecting (They don’t mention other countries beside US about this subject). 

So, considering this, I could say that 50% of the amount goes to general support, while the other 50% goes to digital goods, in this case most places will tax just over %50 percent of the amount, while some states will tax over the whole amount. 

Anyway, is heavily implied by Patreon itself that creators should include “general support” in every tier, since it looks like that one isn’t taxed everywhere…  (They don’t outright say it and I think it might be for legal reasons, but I don’t know). Also, Patreon was from the start created more as a way to support artist than a place to get goods. 

Now, considering that most of the stuff I offer in return (benefit) anyway is some sort of digital content, exclusive or early access, most of my tiers will be affected in one way or another by this tax. But I also know that most of you are here because you just want to support my work, being Raan’s doll a good example, since I already mentioned that it won’t return until later this year and yet a lot of you who are here mainly for that comic, are still supporting my work here anyway.  (Since you enjoy the rest as well I hope c:)  

Needs to be mentioned that i could let Patreon do this automatically,  but by doing this manually, it will hopefully let you save a few cents. Specially in countries like Norway or Iceland (among others) that get a bigger tax rate, so if you are from there and you intend to keep your pledge for next month, please let me know how it goes since i don't really found any information about it :/

Beside this, no tier will change for now, as mentioned before, I offer some kind of digital content on each of them, and don't really offer any physical good. But I'll keep a close eye on how every tier is being affected by this during the next months. 

Anyway, this has been a long post already, I would appreciate if you share your thoughts in the comments below, or if you have any questions feel free to ask them.  


PS:  Small comic update coming tomorrow,
      (correction: most likely on wednesday) :p

       Big comic update coming on Thursday! :3


Odessa Renette

Tbh I’m here to support you so if that means I have to pay a little extra as taxes, that is okay with me. You have my support


I came for Raan's Doll but have stayed for you. You are awesome and I have loved everything you have made so far.


Who said I was here for Raan's Doll? Quite frankly I don't care much about Raan's Doll, even if it is supposed to be your premiere series. I'm here because I trust you to make good content, regardless of what form it comes in. I'm here because I know that you are worth giving support to, regardless of if it is taxed or not. I doubt anyone is here for a single series. We're all here for *you*, because we know that you are worth every cent that we pay. That's why Patreon exists- it's to allow people to support artists they like, not to buy comics in advance. If that's all we wanted then we'd all be on TGComics or an online store. We'll still be here even if there's tax, for as long as we can afford to. So keep being awesome, and we'll keep being here for you :3


yup Patreon is great because of that! but these kind of changes arent really encouraging and if possible ill try for them to have the less impact possible :/ thanks a lot for your words


While taxes are always an iffy thing in general, I'm not planning on going anywhere. Yes, I enjoy Raan's Doll a lot, but I'm here for more than just that. I enjoy all your work and love supporting you as a person. You're awesome and you and your work have resonated with me on a personal level. I already had to suspend my support once, and as long as those issues don't occur again, I don't plan on dropping my support for you anytime soon.


not leaving.... i'm here for all your stuff, even if it was Raan's Doll that got me here...


Came for Ranns Doll stayed for it plus more, will keep staying. PS taxation is extortion but it will take more than that to get me off of here


yeah it sux but there's not much i can do about, beside the thing i mentioned on the post i mean :p but thank you for staying ≖‿≖


For me the tax is going to probably like 35 cents, and I'm happy to pay that for the content I get.