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Comic so far for reference (not including Preview)

Hey everyone!  So, for those new around, this was how this comic was supposed to progress but then I focuses more on the situation than in the transformation :p

Still, there are some some last changes to Happen!
mostly on her appearance (clothes, hair, eyes etc...)   
Next poll will focus on her style, last time "gamer girl" won, but that's a broad category.

The options I have considered for the next poll are:

Casual Gamer Girl: Like girl next door, in this case she shouldn't change much
                                      from how she looks right now, maybe slightly longer hair    

Gothic or Punk Gamer Girl: Not sure if i'll include both, but in this case her clothes will be                              
                          more stylish, and things like her color hair and style will most likely change.

Girly Gamer Girl: A more Kawaii style, longer hair most likely 

Lewd Gamer Girl: Sexier clothes and looks 

I might or might not chose each of these for the final Poll, since I'll wait for
comments here in case I read  suggestions I like more. So, feel free to share your ideas
below in case I'm missing something :P

So, we are getting close to the end (at least transformation-wise)  
we will see what happens later :3  

Poll should be up tomorrow so I can finish the page soon :p   




any could be a streamer, but Lewd gamer girl would surely have an onlyfans too :p


"Lewd gamer girl" would be fun to see, and I also think your personal art style is tailor-made for the girly Kawaii version.


Leaning towards goth/punk myself. :D


The gamer girl look suits her, Her hair as is looks great.


I hope gis familly will be mentionned at least one time, because she looked like a sweet dude at the begenning. If she now xall her best friend master, I 'm very curious to know how her familly will react to that

Old Dragon

Cosplay gamer girl.


Lewd Gothic gamer girl, pretty please! 💞❤️😍


I was thinking of an kawaii style, and more Japanese

Kaffeyette Lektor

I'd always vote for punk, Gothic or Gothic punk, just on principle, but I may be biased. I think because they were both so straight / mainstream-looking to begin with that there must be some repressed alternativeness / wildness inside them both, and the husband wants to see that in his perfect wife, so he can feel justified in showing some himself.


Hm...how about a flip-through montage scene of the four types , then a final decision page as the details are refined? Then again, I would vote for Gothic and Girly over lewd, only because I think both are highly underrepresented these days.