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I don't even know what to say about this one :p
I just had this silly Idea and Reaaaaaaally wanted to go with it (^‿^v)

I love both DBZ and Nier: Automata, so i had a lot of fun making this Comic!
for some reason I'm super proud of that silly last page :3  
now, i know that some of you might not be familiar with these characters...
so, not really sure about how you guys feel about this kind of content,
please let me know in the comments below

There's still more CYOA coming soon, and closer to the end of the month I'll be sharing my plans about what to expect for next month and future stuff (including when you could expect Raan's Doll, since people has been asking) :p

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one!

Page 01: https://i.imgur.com/24wh3FI.jpg
Page 02: https://i.imgur.com/XY5VWeT.jpg
Page 03: https://i.imgur.com/k6gFKLQ.jpg
Page 04: https://i.imgur.com/Ihlw7Et.jpg
Page 05: https://i.imgur.com/32cD9IP.jpg
Page 06: https://i.imgur.com/qD4wL8r.jpg




Yay a DBZ comic. Love it!


I wasn't sure what to expect from the title but this is amazing


Oh my what a pleasant surprise. Even if Cell was....creepy. The rest full of sexiness sex. :p


Loved this. And loved the visible buttplug. <3


Was just about to ask about Raan's Doll. This is pretty good. I like the dbz characters in your style. How about android 13 for a A2 cameo if you ever do a followup.


I hope we get to see more of project Z fighters!


more please, this is great.


Such a great concept. Please more of this!

Nichole O'Conner

Nice! More intimate pictures of the feminized Z Warriors in the future maybe? <3

Bal tha mele

This is so brilliant, thank you Kannel!!!! <3


Is android 17 pregnant at the end?


I love it you did a fantastic job I love how 16 is just chilling in the back just watching. Perhaps consider 21 in the next one???? Also looks awesome in your style.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I'm aware of the characters, but I've never played either, so I recognise them, but I don't really get the last page. I think it relies too much on knowing the games for a wider audience to appreciate. Maybe, a bit more explanation would help, or it might just be something that you would only understand if you play the games, which is fine, but it limits the number of people who would appreciate it.


that its indeed the case... but explaining it would be both spoilers and a really hard task since, well... Nier Automata... so, at least just for the sexiness and fetishness of the situation i hope it reach the audiencethat isnt familiar with the game or comic... but this is exactly the reason why im asking if your ok with me doing this stuff once in a while, i just cannot possible explain Nier world here ...


i dont really know the character but it is lewd so i'm fine with it ^^ i really want to know what that thing in her butt is (on page 5 laste panel) ? looks like a key lock ?

Six of Crows

Yeah I don’t know those characters or game, but I still enjoyed it, I love the idea of a male turned into a female android. As a hard core dnd player I will always be partial to The New Order and it’s like but l love different themes.