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Comic so far:

Hey everyone!!!

New page for this Comic! :D
I'm sorry for not uploading more stuff this week, considering many might be doing social distancing and stuff... but unfortunately i got sick this week u.u (not that virus thou, just a very annoying flu)

Will try to bring more content next week, if i feel any better,

Hope everyone is doing good, and I hope you like this one!!!

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/z7xCW8c.jpg



Joe Etienne

Love the page. Take care of yourself!


ooh neato


Thanks for the page! Glad you're feeling better, and it wasn't Corona!

Kaffeyette Lektor

I'm glad you're OK and I always love a good, "FWOMP!" I'm really loving this comic. The gradual transformation in all different areas is awesome, and that last little twist was excellent, "... they would be bigger ... FWOMP!" If only COVID-19 had those side effects.


Love this comic somewhat sad she only got big tits and not bigger tits. T_T damn you fair voting systems


So good, love it when someone close shapes the woman you become


She's so adorable!!!