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Hey everyone!!!

So, just wanted to let you know that Hideout members and Golden Patreons now have access to the Grammar-Team chat on discord.

Link to discord:

Now, what's this?
This is for anyone who want to help me with typos and the likes,
since as many may known already, english isn't my native lenguage, so,
help is needed :p

Now, this is kind of the earliest of access I guess... but at the same time isn't the final version... so, if you want to wait for the best version, you might want to ignore this... I usually end uploading the final version here during the same day or the days after.

Nothing new right now but next week I'll need some help with pages for the Costume party Comic c:

I know the updates might seem slow sometimes, but some cool pages are coming next week! :3 

And talking about updates, there's something coming later today for all tiers (・ω<) 


PS: There's a way to link your Discord account with Patreon, usually is automatic but not always... I forgot how to do that, will try to find a link that explain the process later.

PS2:  Here's the link i think   


Kaffeyette Lektor

OK. I signed up, but you may come to regret this decision.


Just joined Discord. I've been a fan for years and just joined Patreon to support you. I'm a bit of a Grammar Nazi, so I can definitely help in this regard. If you'd like my assistance, I'd be only too happy to help. &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3